The Best Spotify Promotion in Europe

Time to read: 10 minutes
The Best Spotify Promotion in Europe The Best Spotify Promotion in Europe – Here’s how it’s done! Have you ever wondered how you can get new fans through Spotify in Europe? We do the best Spotify promotion in Europe and we will show you why. Just stay with us for a moment and we will not only show you how Spotify promotion works, but why it’s the best music promotion in Europe. First of all, why is Spotify promotion in Europe so effective?

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Spotify Promotion: The Best Way to Promote your Music!

There are several reasons why a Spotify playlist promotion is the best way for artists to promote their music and gain new fans.

The first reason is the market share of Spotify. Spotify is the leading streaming platform in Europe and parts of America. In 2018, Spotify had 159 Million users. Let that sink in for a moment. A streaming promotion on Spotify could lead to thousands of new fans.

The second reason is Spotify’s algorithm. When you establish a fanbase in Spotify, this will lead to more fans and listeners. Similar to the function in YouTube, listeners get recommendations according to the music they listen to. And Spotify favours music that people already listen to. A Spotify promotion will not only boost your direct listeners but also recommendations. That’s the reason why we think that Spotify promotion is the best music promotion in Europe.

The third reason why we think that the best music promotion in Europe is a Spotify playlist promotion is this: It works, it’s scalable, it’s reliable and did we mention, it works like hell!

When your music is listed in several playlists in Spotify the likelihood of gaining followers and fans for your music rises. We have established contacts with over 300 curators with over 10 million followers. So if you don’t want to do all the work on your own, we can help you with playlist pitching. If you want to work on your own, here is how you can get the best music promotion in Europe.

Successful DIY Spotify Promotion in 7 Steps

This is the process for playlist pitching, when doing it yourself:

  1. Find curators on Spotify and start the playlist pitching process with small playlists you find
  2. E-Mail the curators. You’ll likely find the email address on Facebook or YouTube or maybe even directly on Spotify.
  3. Send them a link to some of your songs and hope that they will give you a chance. It is better to contact more curators then fewer.
  4. As soon as your music gets a place in one of the playlists, your Spotify Promotion starts to gain traction
  5. You will see some more followers, more listeners and even some fans.
  6. After that you should continue with larger playlist curators.
  7. The holy grail of the best music promotion in Europe is a listing in one of the biggest official algorithm playlists in Spotify. These places are rare.

The alternative: Just contact us. We promote your music to several curators and work for your new listeners, fans and listings. We can’t wait to hear from you!


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