Facebook Ads – Promote Your Music on Facebook

Facebook Promotion
Reading time: About 5 minutes

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Facebook promotion, also called Facebook ads, are excellent tools to spread your music on social medias. By placing ads, you can present your work to a larger public. Moreover, you can expand your fan base thanks to a few clicks and with a modest budget. If you want to know how to promote your music on Facebook in the best way, take five minutes to read the following article.

First: Brainstorm your Facebook Ads

At first, you should think about the goal of your campaign. For example, do you want to gain more fans, advertise a new merch-collection or promote your single? Once you know where you want to go, you should start thinking about a way to get there. To support your Facebook ads management, we prepared some useful W-questions.

What do you want to achieve with your campaign?

  • Increase followers, promote more engagements for your tour, your new single or new merchandise?
  • Who do you want to reach?
  • Which demographic factors play a role in your music? Keywords: age, gender, preference, pages liked by similar musicians. In this way, you can find your target audience.
  • How do you reach your goal?
  • Here you should ask yourself which type of ad you prefer. Should it be a picture or a banner?
  • Should calls to action be implemented? Or do you want to use video ads?


How long will it take to reach your goal?

Once you have answered to all previous questions, you should start thinking about how long you are going to run your ads for. If you are promoting an album, it will probably take more time, while if you are looking to push your profile to release a new single, you will likely need to invest less resources.

Facebook Promotion

Run your first Facebook Ad

Facebook’s Ads Manager works discreetly in the background. Maybe you have already noticed that it suggests you to promote posts. This process of boosting a post is an easy first step into the world of Facebook Ads. Here you can promote your content through payments. We will go into the exact parameters later.

Facebook Ads Guideline

Firstly, you should install Metapixel to track your successes and results. Through the installation, Facebook has the possibility to optimize and customize your campaign. Nonetheless, you should be aware that the tracking-data has become significantly less accurate since the update to iOS 14.

Your first Advertising Campaign

Facebook’s Ads Manager or Meta offers you a bunch of options to promote your music effectively and more efficiently. Even as a beginner, you should be able to find your way. First, go to Ads Manager and click Create. Then, select the goal of your campaign, the choice is between 11 goals in three categories.

Facebook Ads Categories

The three ad categories of Facebook music promotion are “Fame”, “Consideration” and “Conversion”. We will now explain these keywords in detail.

  1. In the category “Fame”, your product is simply played out to the users. There is no interaction or similar stuff. This form of promotion is also the cheapest one.
  2. If you want people to like your page, click on your video or subscribe to your newsletter, then the “Consideration” section is right for you.
  3. The “Conversion” section tries to generate most interactions. If you want to have lots of comments and purchases, this option is the best to reach your goal. It makes sense to choose this option if you are releasing a new single. For example, you could set up a page for users to land on and listen to your music on the streaming platform of their choice.
Facebook Promotion

The parameters of your Facebook Ads Promotion Campaign

The next step is to enter the name and other details of your campaign. Once you have entered the details, select the booking type. After that, you will receive some tips from Facebook to optimize your campaign. For instance, you can change the goal of the campaign or optimize other parameters with the advice of the algorithm. Then, you will have the possibility to upload another very similar ad to set up an A/B test. At the end of the test you will see which ad had a better performance and place only the best one. 

Booking Facebook Ads

Afterwards, you will have to set your budget and the payment method. Here, you have the option of selecting a daily budget or a runtime budget. For the daily budget, you decide how much Facebook spends on your ads in 24 hours. On one day the amount will be higher, the next day lower so that you will end up spending the selected daily budget. With the runtime budget, you determine a total amount and Facebook decides independently how much to use.

After choosing the type of budgeting, you decide your bid strategy. You can choose among the lowest costs, costs limit and maximum bid. For beginners, the first or second options are usually recommended. 

Optimization and Delivery of your Facebook Advertising

Under the heading “Optimization & Delivery” you have the option of creating a call-to-action. Lastly, you choose a period of time and a target audience. After having selected the type of ad, you can upload your content. In the penultimate step, you receive the preview of your ad and can publish it with the “Publish” button.

Start your Facebook Promotion now!

We hope we were able to give you a little insight into the world of Facebook marketing with our Facebook Promotion Guideline. In our next articles, you will learn more about ad formats on other social media channels to prepare yourself well for cross-promotions! Should you have any question or comment, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time. Otherwise, you can check out our FAQ where we collect the most important questions. 

See you, 



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