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muvid – The easy way to earn money with TikTok

Today we are dealing with an extremely exciting topic. Search engines like Google and others are flooded with questions such as: how can I earn money with social medias or TikTok? If you’ve already asked yourself such questions, keep reading because...

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Earn money with TikTok

How to earn money with TikTok

Together with Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter, TikTok is one of the largest social media platforms of our time. In 2020 alone, the short clip app counted more than 680 million active users. The app was originally named “Douyin” and was released...

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TikTok Paid Promotion BEFORE EIGHT

TikTok Paid Promotion

Hi! Today it's about tiktok, business, ads, and marketing - and: money, money, money. Well, a good cash register always plays a role in life somehow. But especially among artists: You are a musician and often make the experience of playing...

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TikTok Influencer Promotion

TikTok Promotion

Hi, it's good to have you back! So far, we have written a lot about promotion in general and Spotify promotion. But what kind of promotion agency would we be if we didn't develop further and follow the latest trends on...

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TikTok Video Promotion

Promote your TikTok Video

Hey, good to have you back and continuing to work with TikTok! Because: TikTok is the best place to let your music go viral! It’s innovative and modern. That's why we’re happy that you’re interested in this topic as an artist...

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Promo on TikTok

Promote on TikTok

Have you already been busy marketing your song through streaming promotion on Spotify and Deezer? Great! Then you have already built up a part of the marketing portfolio for your music business. Now it's time to develop further and learn new...

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TikTok Musik Marketing

TikTok Music Marketing – An Introduction Part 2

Hello, great that you’ve found our tiktok blog (again)! Here, we inform you about the world of influencers and especially about tik tok music marketing - An Introduction Part 2. We’ve also written a first part, giving you some tips and...

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TikTok Promotion Introduction

TikTok Music Promotion – An Introduction Part 1

Welcome back to our blog! Tiktok is just this one social media app for you, where you can watch short, entertaining videos with music? You could spend hours and hours watching these colorful pictures on your screen? Many people feel the...

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TikTok Promotion Services

TikTok Promotion Services

Welcome back! Today we will continue with the tiktok promotion exploration tour. Here, we will review what tiktok and tiktok promo are and dive into the topic of tiktok promotion services and marketing agencies.

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Promotion - Project 98 & Micheal Shynes - Desire