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Social Media Algorithms

How do Social Media Algorithms work?

You're scrolling through your Facebook or Instagram feed and maybe wondering how exactly these posts end up in your feed and why you see certain content and not others. The secret behind it all...

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Earn money with TikTok

How to earn money with TikTok

Together with Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter, TikTok is one of the largest social media platforms of our time. In 2020 alone, the short clip app counted more than 680 million active users. The app...

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Social Media Ads

How do Social Ads Work?

In times of digitalization, social ads play an increasingly central role alongside influencer marketing. Around half of the world’s population is registered in at least one social media platform, and screen time has been...

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Social Media Promotion starten

How do I Start a Social Media Promotion?

Are you a newcomer artist about to release your first singles or your first project? Are you looking for suitable possibilities for promotion? Then you are in the right place! We will explain you...

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Social Media Content erstellen

How to Create Social Media Content

We are going to show you how to create your social media content! You probably know the situation. It has been a while since your last release. During the promotion of your release, you...

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Instagram Promotion

Instagram Ads-Promote your Music on Instagram

After countless sleepless nights, recording sessions and changes, your songs are finally ready for mastering. You have already prepared graphics, music videos and the distribution. There is only one thing you left behind: the...

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Promotion - Project 98 & Micheal Shynes - Desire